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Decarbonizing does not necessary mean relying totally on electrification.

Make your existing energy more efficient.

There’s no need to switch when not necessary. A mix of energies that are already present and effective exist - and must come into play to tackle and drastically reduce C02 Emissions.
This will benefit both the environment - and why not? - costs.

Our Gas Absorption Heat Pumps Technology with Renewable Energies (air, ground & water) are the most ready, efficient and immediate solution to reduce costs - and immediately address the energy transition.

The Decarbonization ≠ Electrification campaign aims to demonstrate this, through 3 simple focuses, made by docs and articles.

Want you know more? We’ll be glad to answer any questions – get in touch now – or meet us at AHR Chigago 2024.

Focus # 1

Avoid High Costs associated with Infrastructure Upgrades due to fuel switching.


Absorption Heat Pumps and Chillers reduce the need of electric power

#Did you know? The prevailing use of natural gas reduces the need of electric power by approximately 87% in comparison with electric compression units (0.9 electric kW for 123,500 BTU/h heating).

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Absorption Heat Pumps ensure High Efficiency

#Did you know? Our Absorption Heat Pumps ensure High Efficiency recovering part of the thermal energy from the outdoor air.

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Focus # 2

Gas Heat Pumps Exceed Energy Goals of Tomorrow.


Clean Growth Pathway to 2050 | The Fortis BC’s Experience

#Did you know? Fortis BC recognize and promote the GAHP Technology, offering dedicated Rebates and info on how this technology exceed Energy Goals of Tomorrow.

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Gas Absorption Heat Pumps: Best Practices Guide

#Did you know? CLEAResult, the largest provider of energy efficiency solutions in North America, developed a first-class GAHP Best Practice Guide to help answer key questions.

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Focus # 3

GAHP: an economically viable solution to lower emissions and the reduction of carbon footprint.


7 good reasons why Absorption Technology can be a viable solution

#Did you know? We have 7 good reasons ready to explain - why and how - our Gas Absorption Technology can be an economically viable solution to lower emissions and the reduction of carbon footprint.

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